The core strength of a resilient democratic society is its ability to remain optimistic, believe in its scope for action, and forge alliances even in the face of multiple crises. This is what we are committed to and work towards at Stiftung Mercator. We therefore set ourselves a new guiding motto in 2023: #StandingUpForDemocracy.

As the past year has made all too clear, attacks on our liberal basic order can come from every direction and jeopardize the very foundations of our peaceful coexistence: Russia’s widening of its war to encompass the whole of Ukraine is threatening freedom throughout Europe, while targeted disinformation is bringing about the increasing polarization of society.

It may be hard to remain optimistic in such fraught times. Especially as harrowing news has also come in the form of other crises – first and foremost the Middle East conflict reignited by the Hamas attack on Israel. This uncertain global situation is also having an impact on everyday life in Germany. Even after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, many people continue to be plagued by existential fears about the future. As a result, trust in parliamentary democracy and its representatives is declining, and right-wing populism is on the rise.

Our response, as a European foundation, is to stand up resolutely for democratic values in Germany and the world, to foster understanding between people of different cultures, and to promote social cohesion. In 2023 for instance, we launched a series of Mercator Talks on Ukraine. This event format discussed the consequences of the war for the country itself, as well as for Germany and Europe – including the perspectives of refugees.

Since our foundation was established in 1996, we have provided over 961 million euros in funding for 2,052 projects (as of the end of 2023); last year alone saw 79 new projects receive funding of around 55 million euros (including subsequent approvals). For example, we are advocating equal opportunities nationwide, while our Diversify mentoring program gives disadvantaged groups better access to politics. In turn, the project “Demokratiestarke Polizei” (“Democratically Strong Police”) trains police officers as democracy mentors to combat extremist and anti-democratic trends within their ranks.

Election outcomes are increasingly determined by debates online, which is why our partner in the Digital Democracy project is studying how social media are being used to form opinions – and abused to exert influence. At the intersection of climate action and digitization, we are funding the Bits&Bäume movement so that it can play an even more successful part in political decision-making. Stefan Cihan Aykut, holder of the new Mercator Endowed Chair at Universität Hamburg, is analysing the social dynamics hindering greater climate action in this context in Germany. Furthermore, our highly respected Sustainability Transformation Monitor, which we jointly published with the Bertelsmann Foundation again last year, provides insight into the extent to which private capital is already helping bring about the sustainable transformation of business and industry.

Given the multiple crises worldwide, our Centre for Europe in the World has been restructured, so it can contribute to making the new international order more inclusive by more consistently involving the countries of the Global South. Another important field of action remains our engagement with Turkey and China, the world’s second-largest economy. As far as China is concerned, a key role is played by the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2023. At times of geopolitical upheaval, MERICS is keen to continue providing an analytical basis for sound political and business decisions.

Since last year, we have also been benefiting from the knowledge and experience of Professor Nicole Deitelhoff, as a new member of our Advisory Board. She runs the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and co-authors the annual Peace Report published by the German peace research institutes.

The multitude of projects we fund is clear evidence that it is still possible to shape our society in ways it benefits the common good, despite all major upheavals. This has also been impressively shown by the hundreds of thousands of people who have been demonstrating against hatred and agitation all over Germany in recent months. This was in response to research conducted by our project partner CORRECTIV about the deportation plans by right-wing extremist political groups. Seeing so many citizens standing up for a tolerant and diverse society puts us in an optimistic mood – and encourages us to continue committing ourselves to democratic values.

Dr Wolfgang Rohe
Chairman of the
Executive Board

Dr Markus Piduhn
Executive Director

About the foundation

Stiftung Mercator is a private, independent, and non-profit foundation. Through the projects supported by the foundation and its own activities, it is committed to a society characterised by openness to the world, solidarity, and equal opportunities. It acts based on scientific expertise and practical project experience.

Since 1996, Stiftung Mercator has dedicated itself to establishing the societal conditions for a peaceful coexistence of people who differ in terms of their origins, beliefs, and social situations.

For this reason, Stiftung Mercator promotes the participation of disadvantaged people and advocates for social cohesion. In addition, it supports a mutual understanding and exchange between people of diverse cultures and stands up for a cosmopolitan, democratic, and united Europe.

Stiftung Mercator wants to push forward effective climate change mitigation and supports a socially just transition towards climate neutrality. It advocates a digital transformation that is based on fundamental rights and supports the modernisation of political processes with the help of digital technologies.

The foundation promotes science and research relating to its objectives for the benefit of society as a whole.

Stiftung Mercator is active in Germany, Europe and worldwide. It feels particularly connected to the Ruhr area, home of its founder’s family and the foundation’s headquarters.

Our Motto

Stiftung Mercator is committed to a united and peaceful Europe – including and above all at times when the right of peoples to self-determination and when human rights are being violated with great brutality.

Russia’s expansion of its war to cover all of Ukraine is a challenge to us all and an assault on democracy per se.

This puts the very foundation of our social coexistence at risk. Democracy is being attacked from many different sides. Inflation and the energy crisis are exacerbating the social divide, disinformation and loss of trust in politicians are fuelling an increased polarization in society, and extremist movements are becoming stronger – while over everything hangs the global threat posed by the climate crisis.

In view of the manifold crises at present, we as a European foundation stand up for democratic values with particular determination. We promote understanding between people of different cultures, and we are committed to social cohesion. In short: #StandingUpForDemocracy.​

Partner organizations

The foundation has defined a roadmap for its activities in its 2025 Mercator Strategy. Expertise, good networks and professional communication are necessary to be able to effectively shape societal processes and discussions. By establishing thematically focused partner organizations, we build up institutional knowledge in fields that we have identified in our strategy as being relevant. With their help, we aim to generate the maximum systemic impact. They work independently and flexibly but can also draw on the experience of Stiftung Mercator and in some cases of other managing partners.


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Balance sheet and annual financial statement

The Schmidt family founded the charitable Stiftung Mercator GmbH, Essen, and the charitable Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, Zurich, and provided them with substantial financial resources from their assets.

Further assets transferred to the charitable Meridian Foundation and the charitable Cambiata Foundation, Zurich, which it established, are used to support the two foundations on an ongoing basis in the form of donations.  The charitable Meridian Stiftung is the sole proprietor of Stiftung Mercator GmbH, Essen.

Impressions from events in 2023

Carbon footprint

Stiftung Mercator’s carbon emissions fell by approximately 10 percent compared to the previous year and totalled around 786 tons in 2023.

One reason for this decline was our lower consumption of district heating last year. Furthermore, more employees worked from home. Emissions from generating heat for our offices at the foundation’s Mercator Center Berlin (first floor) decreased by nearly 57 percent.

Emissions from events fell noticeably, and air travel was also down significantly. By contrast, expenditure on business travel increased, thereby driving up emissions in this area.

The foundation has been calculating its carbon footprint for many years, based on the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We identify our climate-relevant emissions, take planned action to reduce them, and offset the emission of any greenhouse gases that cannot be avoided. We continuously review and optimize our internal processes, infrastructure, and supply chains, switching to more sustainable alternatives.

When placing individual food orders, employees in Essen and Berlin can choose from a list of providers offering sustainable packaging concepts. In addition, the foundation has drawn up ecological sustainability guidelines for its project partners to raise awareness of the need to consider and implement sustainable concepts from the outset.


We want our team to reflect the diversity of our society.

Globalization, demographic change, migration and increasing diversity are changing our society, and indeed are changing us as a foundation. We therefore want to bring together people of different cultural, social, and professional backgrounds, of different convictions, of different ages, and of different physical capabilities. We want to show that we value people who experience discrimination. A diverse team provides us with different perspectives on our topics, increasing the quality and credibility of our work.

Against this backdrop, the foundation’s management and work council signed an agreement in 2021 that aims among other things to increase the proportion of ethnic minorities and people of colour. When recruiting new staff, we always ensure that every stage of the application process not only adheres to the legally required equal opportunity principles but also embraces to the greatest possible extent diverse cultural, professional and social backgrounds, and that this is then also reflected in our team. To ensure that we treat our existing workforce in a way that is diversity-sensitive, we regularly analyse our salary scales with respect to gender equality. We want our words, texts and images to fully represent women, men and non-binary people as independent individuals with equal rights and or equal value.

We use continuing education events, guidelines, and training courses to sensitize our teams and to give careful consideration to prejudices and work to ensure that they have no impact on decision-making. Stiftung Mercator takes care to embrace diversity in terms of gender and cultural, professional, and social background not only when recruiting but also when engaging speakers for events, when appointing committees in project and partner contexts, and when selecting individuals who will be particularly promoted/visible. We are in conversation about the subject of diversity with our network of partners.


Project name 82. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer Project description Die Stiftung Mercator unterstützt die 82. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, die im Oktober 2023 an der Juristischen Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum stattfindet. Project partner Ruhr-Universität Bochum Granted total sum 15.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.08.2023 - 31.10.2023 Status abgeschlossen
Project name Aktivierung von Bürgerstiftungen für den Klimaschutz Project description Aktivierung von Bürgerstiftungen für den Klimaschutz durch Sensibilisierung und Wissensaufbau sowie Vernetzung und Erfahrungsaustausch. Project partner Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e. V. Granted total sum 50.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 15.05.2023 - 31.12.2023 Status abgeschlossen Scope Klimaschutz
Project name Allianz für klimaneutrale Gesundheitseinrichtungen Project description Das Projekt unterstützt die Klimaneutralität des Gesundheitssystems durch eine Vorreiter-Allianz von Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Project partner Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel & Gesundheit Granted total sum 750.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025 Status laufend Scope Klimaschutz
Project name Als Arbeiterkind nach Europa - Studienreise Project description Die ehrenamtliche ArbeiterKind Gruppe Brüssel organisiert eine Delegation von 15 Studierenden und Berufseinsteiger*innen aus nicht-akademischen Familien im Rahmen einer Studienreise nach Brüssel. Damit soll ein niedrigschwelliges Angebot für Teilnehmende geschaffen werden, die bisher wenig oder keine Auslandserfahrung sammeln konnten und sich für den Arbeitsort Brüssel und / oder europäische Themen interessieren. Das Kennenlernen der Arbeit von EU-Institutionen und Verbänden sowie ein persönlicher Informationsaustausch über Praktikums- und Jobmöglichkeiten sollen Programminhalte sein. Project partner gGmbH Granted total sum 20.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.01.2024 - 31.03.2024 Status abgeschlossen Scope Europa in der Welt
Project name Annual European China Conference Project description Die „Annual European China Conference“ zielt darauf ab, die Debatte über Deutschlands und Europas zukünftigen Umgang mit China an ein breites und insbesondere europäisches Publikum heranzutragen, China-Stakeholder*innen nachhaltig miteinander und mit Experten*innen zu vernetzen und in einen Dialog zu bringen. Project partner European Council on Foreign Relations e.V. (ECFR) Granted total sum 25.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.09.2023 - 30.11.2023 Status abgeschlossen Scope Europa in der Welt
Project name Basketball baut Brücken II Project description Durch die Schaffung eines Chinesisch- Angebots für deutsche Schüler:innen an den teilnehmenden Schulen soll „China-Kompetenz“ in Deutschland gestärkt werden. Die Schüler:innen sollen die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre sprachliche, interkulturelle und sportliche Kompetenz zu verbessern. Um das Ziel zu erreichen, wird das Projekt skaliert und an weiterführenden Schulen in ganz Deutschland umgesetzt. Project partner Bildungsnetzwerk China Granted total sum 320.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.04.2023 - 31.12.2024 Status laufend Scope Europa in der Welt
Project name Berlin Peace Moot Project description Förderung der zweitägigen Konferenz „The Berlin Moot: Reshaping Peace“ der Berghof Foundation in Kooperation mit dem Auswärtigen Amt und weiteren Akteuren, die im Mai 2024 in Berlin stattfindet. Project partner Berghof Foundation Operations gGmbH Granted total sum 100.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.09.2023 - 30.11.2023 Status abgeschlossen Scope Europa in der Welt
Project name Bits & Bäume: Wirksames Engagement an der Schnittstelle von Klimaschutz und Digitalisierung Project description Um die Weiterentwicklung des kombinierten Politikfelds von Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit zu unterstützen, wird der Aufbau einer Bits & Bäume-Koordinationsstelle sowie einer Think-Tank-Einheit bei Germanwatch gefördert, sodass sich die Bits-und-Bäume-Bewegung kontinuierlich in politische Entscheidungsprozesse an der Schnittstelle einbringen kann. Project partner Germanwatch e.V. Geschäftsstelle Bonn Granted total sum 1.000.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.07.2023 - 30.04.2026 Status laufend Scope Digitalisierte Gesellschaft
Project name Center for User Rights Project description Das Center will Nutzer*innen befähigen und dabei unterstützen, sich auf ihre Rechte im digitalen Raum zu berufen. Im Rahmen der Förderung geht es insbesondere um neue Nutzer*innenrechte gegenüber digitalen Plattformen im Rahmen des Digital Services Act (DSA). Project partner Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte Granted total sum 475.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.08.2023 - 31.07.2026 Status laufend Scope Digitalisierte Gesellschaft
Project name CEU DI Rule of Law Clinic Project description Die am Democracy Institut der CEU in Budapest angesiedelte Rule of Law Clinic bietet Rechtsstaatsverteidiger*innen eine Plattform und fördert durch praktisches Engagement die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Rechtskultur in Europa. Project partner Közép-Európai Egyetem (Central European University Budapest) Granted total sum 1.060.000,00 Granting year 2023 Duration 01.08.2023 - 31.07.2026 Status laufend Scope Europa in der Welt